Helping our community grow
Monday 10rd March, 2025
Balscote Village Hall
Meetings for the Wroxton and Balscote Parish Council are held bimonthly usually on the 1st Monday of the month, starting from 7:30pm, alternating between Wroxton Village Hall and Balscote Village Hall for their venue.
The press, as well as members of the public, are welcome to attend.
A 15 minute period is allotted for parishioners to raise matters for discussion or to make comments upon agenda items.
Stoneycroft, Chapel Lane, Balscote, OX15 6JN
wbpcwrox@gmail.com01295 738383
07774 397934
Sports Club Liaison | Planning Speed Signs
Rose Cottage, Main Street, Wroxton, OX15 6PT
cllr.scolbert@gmail.com01295 738453
Defibrillators | Earthline Ltd (Quarry) Liaison | Cemetery
3 Leys Close, Wroxton, OX15 6QP
cllr.collins.wrox@gmail.com01295 738022
Wentways, Stratford Road, Wroxton, Banbury, OX15 6QS
cllr.humphreys@gmail.com01295 730385
07885 780800
Cemetery Committee Planning
Crossways, Silver Street, Wroxton, Banbury, OX15 6QD
cllr.ker@gmail.com01295 730709
Chairman | Welcome Packs Planning
Honeysuckle House, Shutford Road, Balscote, OX15 6JW
cllr.marcovitch@gmail.com01295 738100
Cemetery Committee | Balscote Planning | Speed Signs | Responsible Financial Officer
Priory Farm, Manor Farm Lane, Balscote, OX15 6JL
cllr.robarts@gmail.com01295 730629