Wroxton Village Hall Stratford Road Wroxton OX15 6PZ
Editor: Ben Mitchell Email: editorwroxton@gmail.com
© Ben Mitchell unless credited
Wroxton Village Hall offers excellent food handling facilities, a small stage and tables and chairs. Good parking outside. If you would like to check it out for an event, please contact Sam Mitchell 01295 730065; she will be happy to show you round.  
FRIENDS OF WROXTON VILLAGE HALL CLUB Please support the village hall by joining our club.  £12 a year purchases a number that goes into a draw for a cash prize on the first Sunday of each month.  The winning number is placed on both noticeboards.   The prize is £20 each month except in December, where the prize doubles to £40. Please contact Sam Mitchell on 01295 730065 if you wish to take part.
Hire Rates:                              Hire Fees from 1st January 2023 (Includes hall hire, heating, electricity, tables, chairs, stage, and kitchen) Village Residents/All Village Clubs - £7/hour Non-resident private hire - £15/hour
OUR COMMITTEE Chairman - Neil McLelland Secretary- Julie Prole Treasurer - Steve Prole Facilities Manager - Grahame Mitchell Bookings Manager - Sam Mitchell For Hall Hire Conditions Click Here
Balscote Village Hall Balscote Village Hall Bookings Mr. Jonathan Perry, The Paddocks, Manor Farm Lane, Balscote 01295 738026 Jonathanrobertperry@yahoo.co.uk