Church Services
All Saints Wroxton Rector Rev. Alicia Baker | 01295 738593 Church Wardens: David Marsh Abbey Farm Cottage, Shepherds Walk, Wroxton 01295 738415 Trevor Pinfold, Westgate Cottage, Wroxton 01295 730524
Wroxton - Catholic Church of St. Thomas of Canterbury Masses are now just once a month, the first Sunday of the month at 8.30 a.m. The church is open whenever possible during daylight hours seven days a week, and people of whatever denomination are very welcome to take a moment for quiet reflection and prayer.
Editor: Ben Mitchell Email:
© Ben Mitchell unless credited
You are warmly invited to join us at All Saints for our Holy Communion service on 14 July at 9.45am. This month there will be no Village Service at All Saints on the 4th Sunday, as we meet together to say goodbye to Lindy and John Bridgeman, who will be conducting a farewell church service in Hornton. Do join us for this or at any of our other Benefice services if these suit you better. We look forward to welcoming you.