MEDICAL ISSUES Fenny Compton & Shenington Surgeries The Surgery, Stocking Lane, Shenington, OX15 6NF 01295 678124 The Surgery, High Street, Fenny Compton, CV47 2YG 01295 770855 www.fenny For appointments, telephone as above. For Home visits, phone before 10.30am For medical problems between 8-9am and 6-6.30pm please follow instructions Out of hours please phone 111 For CRITICAL medical attention please phone 999 Opening times Shenington Surgery: Monday to Wed 9 & -11.40am, Thursday, 9.00 to 11.40am, 3.00 to 5.40pm Fenny Compton Mon, Wed, & Fri 9.00 to 11.40am, Tues 6.30 to 8.00pm & Thurs 9.00 to 11.40am Shenington Dispensary: Mon to Fri 9.00 to 12noon & Thurs 3.00 to 5.30pm Fenny Compton Dispensary: Mon, Tue, Wed, & Fri 9.00 to 12noon. Thurs 9.00am to 1.00pm Doctors Dr Janet R Marshall, Dr Thomas J W Sharples, Dr Nicola Hodgkins, Dr Helen Shires Practice Manager M/s Lisa Yates. Practice Nurse, Joanne Featherstone. Whilst under present Covid 19 restrictions lifts to the surgery are suspended, prescriptions can be picked up. SHENINGTON SURGERY VOLUNTEERS Wroxton                                                                    Robbie Lemar Primrose Cottage    730500 Phil Harrison Primrose Cottage       730500 Elizabeth Jones Main Street 730652 Sarah Colbert Rose Cottage 738453 Balscote Michael Robarts Priory Farm 730629 Bob Jesson Homeland     738640 Trina Wilcock Old School House        738718 Liz Whitworth Chapel Barn        738525 Sheila Harris Broughton House        738043  Balscote please consult the village Whats App group where regular collections are made. AED’s Automated External Defribrillators (AEDs) Defribrillators in the Parish are installed in Balscote adjacent to The Butchers Arms and in Wroxton immediately opposite the pond on the wall and at the Sports pavilion. Each is fitted with a flashing green light and are unlocked but alarmed. They can be used by any untrained person as the box contains pictorial and audio explanation as to use. They are a first response and emergency services should be called immediately. Trained operators are: Balscote -Michael/Laura Robarts 730629 Mark & Sheila Harris 738043 Wroxton Nicky Hodges 730362 John Woodward 730543 Helen Waters 730507 Elizabeth Jones 730652
Editor: Ben Mitchell Email:
© Ben Mitchell unless credited